Your support of our Fund-a-Need ensures that CASA’s children receive the vital assistance they need while going through the Family Court System until they go to a safe, permanent home.


Donors who contribute $100 or more to Jackson County CASA may be eligible for a 50% Champion for Children Missouri Tax Credit.



Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

CASA Services $0.00
Funds the cost of providing a CASA Volunteer and staff support to a sibling group of three children for the duration of their case in Family Court (average 18–24 months).

Background Checks $0.00

Pays for required state background checks for 100 new CASA Volunteers.

One Year of CASA Support $0.00

Meets the average yearly cost of recruiting, training, advising, and retaining a CASA Volunteer to advocate for a child in the foster care system.

Independent Living $0.00
Supplies the security deposit on a studio apartment for an Older Youth moving to independent living.

School Supplies $0.00
Buys school supplies for one sibling group of 3-4 children.

Activities $0.00
Stocks our library of books, games, and activities CASA Volunteers take on visits to interact with CASA kids.
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